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COVID - 19 Response

We at Hatch Technologies are navigating unprecedented supply chain disruptions caused by COVID -19 to assist hospitals in Kenya and Malawi receive the crucial medical equipment they need to save lives threatened by COVID -19. This equipment includes Oxygen Concentrators, Pulse Oximeters, Infrared Thermometers and Suction Machines.  Deliveries were made throughout July and August, and we are working to facilitate successful installment and maintenance of all devices. 


As cases of COVID -19 increase in Africa, both Hatch and NEST360 are committed now more than ever to ensuring that every hospital in sub-Saharan Africa can deliver life-saving care for newborns. This pandemic underscores the importance of strengthening all health systems to provide critical care, including that needed by small and sick newborns, and developing a sustainable supply chain for affordable, robust medical technologies.

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